MSHV Set Up For PRO DIGI Contest
PRO DIGI Contest is scheduled for the weekend of January 18 - January 19, 2025.
Begins: 18 - January, 12:00 UTC
Ends: 19 - January, 11:59 UTC
Read here for full details and contest rules.
Before contest:
- Go to Menu File and View Log.
- Export all old QSOs in ADIF: On Log Menu, "Export All in ADIF".
- Then select all QSOs and delete them, At the start of the contest the Log needs to be empty for proper text highlighting, if you have had QSO B4.
- After the contest, no problem to return all QSOs back to log from Menu "Add ADIF To Log".
Go to Options Macros, set Activity Type
to "PRO DIGI Contest".
3. Members
of Digi Mode clubs select
PRO DIGI Contest
Exch: = "ME", all
others must select
Exch: = "DX".
4. Go to Options "Radio And Network Configuration" in the table below, change default frequencies for FT4 for each band, or press button to set default frequencies for activity type.
FT4: ( 3.576-3.590, 7.080-7.090, 14.080-14.090, 21.080-21.090 and 28.080-28.090 )

5. For
DX stations, from the front panel app,
set first serial number to 1 (SN:).
not use "Multi Answering Auto Seq
Protocol FT8/4". It does not contain
the contest protocols.
4. Go to Options "Radio And Network Configuration" in the table below, change default frequencies for FT4 for each band, or press button to set default frequencies for activity type.
FT4: ( 3.576-3.590, 7.080-7.090, 14.080-14.090, 21.080-21.090 and 28.080-28.090 )

After the contest, go to File
"View Log", from Log Menu choose
"Export In Cabrillo" function, set
up Contest Name,
Start and Stop contest date/time and other fields, then press OK and your log will be generated in "ExportLog" Directory.
Start and Stop contest date/time and other fields, then press OK and your log will be generated in "ExportLog" Directory.
must be submitted in Cabrillo
format by e-mail to:
after 72 hours (but not sooner)
you have not received your CLAIM
file, please send the log again
If you send a new log corrected or completed the address for it is:
If you send a new log corrected or completed the address for it is: